Invoice Extraction

Eliminate manual data entry

Save time and effort by automatically extracting structured data from invoices, even SKU level line-items.

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Extract the data you need from invoices with Sensible

From payment processing to inventory and order management, invoices are at the heart of many organizational workflows. Due to their variability, both in format and by vendor, extracting data from invoices is often a tedious and time-consuming process, especially done manually. Automating the extraction of this data can save time and effort, and help ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Sensible automates invoice extraction, even across non-consistent and variable formats. Teams using Sensible for invoice extraction benefit from increased efficiency and less room for manual error. Transform your invoices from complex paper trails into a treasure trove of accessible, structured data.

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What data can Sensible extract from invoices?

Some of the key data fields that Sensible can extract from invoices include:

General Information

  • Invoice ID number
  • Invoice Date
  • Due Date
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Terms and Conditions
  • + more

Line Item Details

  • Item Name
  • Item Description
  • Quantity
  • Price Per Unit
  • SKUs
  • + more

Billing Details

  • Subtotal
  • Total
  • Discounts
  • Taxes
  • Balance Due
  • Payment Method
  • + more
graphic of docs being parsed

The Document Automation Platform for Developers

Sensible is the developer-first platform that makes accessing the data in documents as easy as calling an API. Avoid PDF parsing headaches with Sensible Instruct – just describe the data you want to extract, and integrate it into your workflow or system. Augment Sensible Instruct with SenseML to maintain full control and visibility over your data extraction.

Extract data in seconds, not minutes or hours. Perfect for real-time workflows.
Extract structured forms, unstructured text documents, and everything in between.
Leverage LLMs to reliably extract data from your documents. Flag outliers with built-in validations.
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"We've been able to scale to 2,000 members and ~$2MM of tracked premiums in a very short time with one person on operations. We couldn't have done that without Sensible."

Stuart Winchester

CEO, Marble


Focus on building apps, not document extraction

Sensible gives you customizable control over your entire extraction process. Combine LLM and layout-based extraction methods to accurately extract data. There are no models to train (or retrain), and no onerous data requirements. Onboard using a single sample document, and publish production API endpoints in seconds.

Product Managers

Scale your business without reinventing the wheel

Sensible provides embeddable document extraction infrastructure so that your team can focus on building a great product, not wrangling OCR and AI services. Integrate with your product in just a few lines of code, saving hundreds of hours of development and ongoing maintenance.

Replace manual data-entry with automated invoice processing

Stop relying on manual data entry. With Sensible, you can claim back valuable time. Your ops team will thank you and you can deliver a superior user experience. It’s a win-win.

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Invoice Processing FAQs

We’d be happy to answer any additional questions. Please book a demo with our team to get more information.

What is invoice parsing?

Invoice parsing, or invoice extraction, is the process of extracting structured data from an invoice document. This process is typically automated using technologies like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read and understand the content of the invoice, just as a human would.

Sensible’s invoice parsing goes a step further. Not only does Sensible Instruct read and recognize the text on the invoice, but it also understands the context and semantic structure of the information. This means it can identify and extract key data points such as invoice number, date, supplier details, line items, quantities, prices, totals, and more.

This extracted data is then typically outputted in a structured format, such as JSON, CSV, or directly into a database or other software systems. This enables seamless integration of the data into your existing workflows, eliminating the need for manual data entry and providing a more efficient, accurate, and automated approach to invoice processing.

How to extract data from invoices?

Extracting data from invoices can be a tedious manual task or an efficient automated process depending on the method and tools you employ. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can do this using an AI-powered platform like Sensible:

  • Upload the Invoice: Start by uploading the invoice document you want to extract data from. Sensible supports a variety of formats including PDFs, TIFFs, and more.
  • Specify the Required Data: Describe the data you want to extract in natural language using Sensible Instruct, or use Sensible's document query language, SenseML, to specify precise extraction patterns. You might be interested in details like invoice number, date, supplier name, line items, amounts, taxes, and more.
  • Use LLMs (large language models) to Extract the Data: Sensible uses GPT-4 to read and understand the content of the invoice. GPT-4 has been trained on a massive corpus of text, including diverse invoice formats, and can accurately extract relevant data, even from complex or poorly structured invoices.
  • Get Extracted Data: Sensible processes the invoice and delivers the extracted data in a structured format. This could be a JSON, CSV, or Excel file that you can easily integrate into your existing workflows or systems.
  • Review and Validate: The platform offers tools for validating the extraction results. Sensible ensures high accuracy, but it's always good to review and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Integrate with Your Workflow: You can use Sensible's API or other integrations to feed the extracted data directly into your existing systems like an ERP, accounting software, or a database. This seamless integration saves time and reduces errors associated with manual data entry.

A robust platform like Sensible can ensure accurate and fast data extraction from invoices.

How to automate invoice processing?

​​Automating invoice processing can significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of your accounts payable department. With the right technology, like Sensible, you can streamline the entire invoice processing workflow. Here's how:

  1. Digitize Invoices: The first step to automate invoice processing is to digitize all invoices. Whether you receive paper invoices or digital ones, ensure they are all converted to a digital format like PDF or TIFF.
  2. Automated Invoice Data Capture: With Sensible, you can automatically extract key data from the invoices, regardless of their format or layout. Information such as supplier details, invoice date, due date, invoice number, line items, quantities, unit costs, totals, and VAT can be automatically extracted.
  3. Validation: After the data extraction, Sensible validates the extracted data against predefined rules. This ensures accuracy and allows for automatic flagging of outliers or errors.
  4. Integration with Accounting Software: Once the data is validated, it can be automatically fed into your existing accounting software or ERP system. Sensible can integrate with your existing systems via API or other integrations using Zapier.
  5. Approval Workflow: Depending on your business rules, certain invoices might need to be approved by specific members of your team. Some advanced automation platforms offer automated routing of invoices to the appropriate person based on predefined rules.
  6. Archiving and Retrieval: The final step is securely storing the processed invoices for future reference and audits. A good automation platform will make it easy to retrieve invoices and associated data.
What is OCR for invoices?

OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, is used to convert different types of documents, including invoices, into editable and searchable data.

For invoices specifically, OCR works by scanning the invoice, whether it's a physical paper, a PDF, or an image file, and recognizing the characters within it. This technology is capable of identifying text within the document and converting it into a format that can be edited, searched, or digitally stored.

However, traditional OCR has its limitations. While it can effectively 'read' the text in a document, it may struggle with understanding the context or structure of an invoice, especially if the document's layout is complex or inconsistent.

That's where advanced document extraction platforms, like Sensible, come in. These platforms go beyond simple character recognition. They can understand the structure and context of the data in an invoice, which allows for more accurate and efficient extraction of key information such as vendor details, invoice dates, line items, totals, and more.

OCR for invoices is a crucial technology for automating invoice processing, enabling businesses to save time, reduce manual errors, and improve operational efficiency.