While the holidays are just around the corner, we’re full steam ahead: learn how you can quickly extract a document (No API Required™), access and clone over 100+ configurations directly in the Sensible dashboard, and rearrange the fields across different sections in your output. For the full list of changes for last month, check out our changelog.

Improvement: Extract documents in the Sensible Dashboard
No developer? No problem! Everything a developer can do via API, non-technical users can now do in the Sensible dashboard. Upload your document, select its type, and let Sensible choose the best-fitting configuration to use. These extractions will be available in the recent extractions tab and can be downloaded to Excel with the click of a button. Drag and drop a document to see how it works.

Improvement: Clone a configuration from our library to jumpstart integration
Onboard and extract your documents within minutes! Our open-source configuration library contains over 100 configurations for the most popular business document types. You can now import pre-built configurations directly into your account without leaving the application at all. Say goodbye to copy and pasting from our library to the editor!
New Feature: Customization and flexibility in your extraction output
Customize your schema to meet your needs with our advanced Copy from Sections and Copy to Section computed methods. Move your fields into and out of different sections to create your ideal output. This is particularly useful when you want to add or repeat globally applicable information - such as a policy number to every claim section.
👋 If you're interested in learning more about these features or getting a guided tour of Sensible, book some time with a Sensible expert.